Make your own Scented Candle Workshop with Fragance Blending


Date: Wednesday 29th January 18.30 - 21.00

Wednesday 29th January 18.30 - 21.00
Wednesday 22nd January 12.30-3.30
Categories: Workshops

Learn how to blend a unique fragrance and make a natural rapeseed wax artisan candle.

You'll be talked through the elementaries of blending oils to create your own unique candle fragrance. Claire will guide you step-by-step through the process in a small group setting with lots of help on hand. You will then make a medium size (30cl) candle to take home in a choice of glass colours (subject to availability). 

We will keep a record of your chosen fragrance so that you can order a candle to be made for you in your unique fragrance in future.

Note: We reserve the right to cancel any course, at any time, up to 48 hours prior to a workshop. If cancelled you will be offered the same workshop on an alternative date or a full refund.