Many homes now have a reed diffuser or two (or ten!) They are the perfect way to get a balanced level of fragrance strong in your home.
Whether you have a signature scent everywhere or you use different fragrances in different rooms, their popularity is still growing and growing.
The act of fragrance diffusion is through the reed- the mix of oil and base travelling up the reefs and releasing the fragrance.
Good reeds are crucial, reeds need to be able to cope with their fragrance load. This is extremely important or you end up turning them over constantly.
That is evaporation, not diffusion.
Everyone makes their diffusers differently, it took us nearly a year to get the right balance of oil to base, then find the right reeds for the job.
We have three sizes, and they all last around 4 months if you follow our guide.
We picked 3 sizes as different rooms need different levels of fragrance. Too small you can’t smell it, too large and it’s too overwhelming.
But if you hit the sweet spot and get the right size in the right position your home will be filled with fragrance.